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Rat protection service has been targeted to provide the total and effective control of rats and mice the new age Rat Protection Service is based on type of rodent species, extent of infestation and its spread. There is no single or one answer for rodent control. However, it;s a combination of baiting, trapping & proffing methods.
The term rodents implies to Rats, Mice and Bandicoots. The rodents have become one of the most important urban pests. With the sole exception of man, the most successful and abundant mammals on the earth today are the commensally Rats and Mice. They enjoyed this success with mans in advent help they live at man's expense, invading his home, eating his food and damaging his commodities. They are also responsible for transmitting various diseases to man. They contaminate his food with their faces, urine and hairs. Their gnawing ability is responsible for not only structural and property damage but also short circuits and fires. They nibble at few cables and entire communication or computer network collapses.
Man regarded rodents as little more then household pests until he realized the damage potential of the rodents. In reality man's indifference, ingnorance and lack of attention to sanitation helped rodent population and madetheircontrolatougherask.